Завантажити  Наукову програму

Dear colleagues


For the first time our conference will be held online, it is a great opportunity to look into the future today, learn new communication technologies and get the skill of remote interaction with colleagues from around the world.

Such format will allow more participants to take part in the conference, and you as the authors will be able to share with them the results of your work.

The conference will be held as planned on May 11-14, 2020. For comfortable work of the conference we have planned 2 virtual halls - Hall 1 and Hall 2 for oral presentations.

To participate in the conference, you will need to make an appointment in the oral presentation Halls. You will need to enter your First and Last Name and e-mail address. Do this before the conference starts.


After registration, you will receive e-mail with personal links to enter the Halls.

Virtual halls are organized on the basis of Zoom platform. Therefore, to participate in the conference you will need to install this software.

App installation Zoom for windows

Other versions (All platforms)

Here is a good guide to Zoom.

На Русском языке

In English

We also found a good one  инструкцию в Фейсбуке (Russian)

Once you have installed the zoom, set up an account (be sure to include your Name and Last Name in English so that your colleagues can see who they are communicating with), we offer test sessions to explain how the software works:

7.05.2020 15.00 Kyiv time (GMT +3) All

11.00 https://zoom.us/j/98325985708

15:00 https://zoom.us/j/98867396167

On our website available a schedule with links to the Halls registration.


For oral presentations

If you're the speaker:

Study the schedule of presentations and participate in your session by clicking on the link  in confirmation letter

Prepare a presentation on your computer, get your camera and workplace prepared. Join the webinar in advance and at the appointed time, after being announced by the moderator, start demonstrating your screen and make a report, according to the rules for all your speech 25 minutes (15 minutes for students) we recommend to finish the report 5 minutes before the end for questions and discussion.

For attendees:

Examine the presentation schedule as well as the abstract you are interested in. Attend the desired session by clicking on the links provided in confirmation letter. During the presentation, you can prepare a question by writing it in the form of questions, or after the presentation is over, click on the "Raise your hand" button and when the moderator will give you the opportunity to talk, ask questions verbally (make sure you have microphone working).

For Poster presentations:

All the speakers sent us by email their posters, and we posted them on the conference website. You can get acquainted with the submitted posters at any time, you can find the links to them in the section of the poster session.

For presenters:

Since we use the zoom platform for the entire conference, we recommend that you provide a link to your personal Zoom room (Where can I find the link?) in the first poster comment. At the scheduled time for your presentation Start a private conference. According to this link interested participants will be able to connect and ask you questions.

Privacy and copyrights

Please note that in online format there is no technical possibility to prevent any viewer from recording what's shown on viewers' screen. Therefore, please note that confidential information should not be shown to avoid possible publicity.

Monday, May 11
13.00 – 13.30 Opening of the conference – Hall 1
13.30 – 15.00 Plenary Session, Session Chair – Yakymchuk M.A. (AUAG)
Plenary Session – Hall 1
13:30 [17666] The most expensive “dry” exploratory well in the history of the oil industry: reasons of failure based on data of direct-prospecting methods application M. Yakymchuk (Institute of Applied Problems of Ecology, Geophysics and Geochemistry)*I. N. Korchagin (Institute of Geophysics, NAS of Ukraine)
14:00 [18188] Digital field geology *I. M. Bubniak(Institute of Geodesy National University Lviv Polytechnic)A. M. Bubniak (Consulting Geologist)O. D. Gavrilenko (D. Serikbayev East-Kazakhstan State Techbical University)
14:30 [18277] Geographic Information and Cyber-Physical Systems in Oil and Gas Industry: Benefits, Problems and Integration Prospects O. Rogach*O. PidchosaP. Dziuba (Institute of International Relations, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv)
Tuesday, May 12
Oral Geoinformatics – an Innovative View of the Earth Hall 19:30-15:40  
Oral Mathematical Methods and Computer Technologies in Geophysics and Geology Hall 2 9:30-14:40  
Poster Geological Modeling E-poster site 9:30-13:00  
Poster Geoinformation Support Monitoring of Hazardous Natural and Anthropogenic Processes E-poster site 9:30-15:40
Wednesday, May 13
Oral Geoinformation Researches for Petroleum Exploration Hall 19:30-13:00
Oral Geoinformation Researches for Mineral Exploration Hall 114:00-15:30
Oral Remote Sensing In Geosciences ModeratorsHall 2 9.30-14:40
Poster Geoinformatics – an Innovative View of the Earth E-poster site 9.30-15:00
Poster Mathematical Methods and Computer Technologies in Geophysics and Geology E-poster site 9.30-15:30
Thursday, May 14
Oral Geological Modeling Hall 1 9.30-15.30
Oral Geoinformation Support Monitoring of Hazardous Natural and Anthropogenic Processes Hall 2 9.30-15:30
Poster Geoinformation Researches for Petroleum Exploration E-poster site 9.30-15:10
Poster Geoinformation Researches for Mineral Ex-ploration E-poster site 14:00-16:00
Poster Remote Sensing In Geosciences E-poster site 9.30-13:00



Наукова програма конференції буде складатися з усних доповідей та стендових презентацій, що охоплюють всі напрямки пов’язані з геоінформатикою.

Робоча мова конференції – англійська.

У рамках роботи конференції заплановані семінари, скорочені навчальні курси й обговорення актуальних питань за круглим столом.



Геоінформатика інноваційний погляд на Землю


Геоінформаційні дослідження для розвідки вуглеводневих родовищ


Геоінформаційні дослідження в розвідці рудних родовищ


Створення інтегрованих геологічних баз даних для ефективного природокористування та управління


Геологічне моделювання


Математичні методи та комп'ютерні технології в геофізиці та геології


Дистанційне зондування Землі для геонаук


Data mining та системи прийняття рішень


Геоінформаційне забезпечення моніторингу небезпечних природних та техногенних процесів


Застосування безпілотних літальних апаратів для геоінформаційних досліджень


Студентська програма